Money Matters


To gain a Student Visa or a Permit, the applicant students should be able to meet their living costs during their stay in New Zealand.

Evidence may include:

  • Sufficient funds held in New Zealand by students or on their behalf or
  • An undertaking by another person to cover their accommodation and living costs. This will be seen before the student leave for New Zealand or
  • An undertaking by a New Zealand sponsor to cover the student's accommodation and living costs or
  • Financial assistance available to the student under aid programs operated in New Zealand by a government agency.

If the student takes a course lasting less than 9 months then they will need to show that they have access to:
  • $1000 NZD for every month stay or
  • $400 NZD for every month, if the accommodation is already paid for the student. They will need to show that they have paid or
  • A letter from the institution that the student's accommodation and other living expenses are included in the package and they have already paid.

If the student takes a course that is longer than nine months then they will need to show that they have access to:
  • $10,000 NZD per year to cover their costs during their stay in New Zealand or
  • If the student is a citizen of Samoa or Tonga, a written guarantee from a relative who is a New Zealand citizen or resident that they will cover the student's living costs.

Evidence of funds can be:
  • Cash
  • Travellers Cheques
  • Bank Drafts
  • A recognized credit card with sufficient available credit.

When a student applies for a Visa or a permit then it should be assured that the students and any family members accompanying them are healthy. This is a primary requirement just to safeguard the well being of New Zealanders and to avoid placing a burden on the country's health and social services. They also want to ensure that people entering New Zealand are fit for the purpose they have come here.

Generally, the New Zealand Immigration Service will decline the student's application for a Visa or a permit if:
  • There is any likelihood and they'll need dialysis treatment
  • They have active Tuberculosis (TB) – if they are on anti-TB
  • Treatment there may be a delay on making a decision about their visa or
  • Permit until the student had six months of treatment
  • The student have required hospital or residential care for a mental disorder or intellectual disability for more than 90 days in the last two years
  • A student has a physical incapacity that requires full time care


Type of tuition fees ($NZD)
  • English Language Courses approximately ranges between $320 NZD - $400 NZD per week
  • Secondary School normal tuition fees are approximately from $8,000 NZD - $10,500 NZD per year for most schools but some private schools are much more expensive.
  • Polytechnic Courses these ranges from $10,000 NZD - $15,000 NZD per year depending on the course or degree
  • University Degrees are approximately from $10,500 NZD - $16,000 NZD per year for most under-graduate degrees
  • Post-graduate Degrees approximately ranges from $15,000 NZD per year and MBA degrees are even expensive and may range approximately $22,000 NZD.
*Note: These fees structures may vary from time to time and there may be a slight increase in the fees every year. The fees structure may also vary depending upon the course and the institutions chosen by the student/applicant.

The total cost depends on the expenses of the students. However, a student should be able to live in New Zealand for a total cost of living between $8,000 NZD - $10,000 NZD a year including accommodation, transport, food, clothing, bills and entertainment.

GST stands for Goods & Services Tax. All the goods and services in New Zealand including tuition fees have GST Tax of 12.5% included in the cost. There are some items that do not have GST and these include bank fees and residential rental payments.

There is no age limit to study in New Zealand however the New Zealand Immigration Service needs to be satisfied that the applicant is a genuine student when they process the student visa application.

New Zealand have 8 Universities, 25 Polytechnic and/or Institutes of Technology and approximately at about 440 secondary schools.

The students who are able to work under their visa will probably work in jobs like tutors at their institutions or working in restaurants or other service industries. The normal hourly wage rate will be approximately from $8.00 NZD - $15.00 NZD per hour and the tax will be deducted from the wages before the payment is received. On these amounts the tax will normally work out at about 20 cents per one NZD and it can be claimed as a full tax refund at the end of the financial year in April.

A written guarantee of accommodation is required before a student visa can be granted. Some institutions may be able to arrange residential accommodation for students who are not staying with their relatives or friends. However, the students may wish to arrange the accommodation by themselves. The student should indicate whether they want or do not want any assistance in finding accommodation when they apply to the institution.


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