Computer Science Engineering Mini Projects

Are you interested in any of the Project.Then mail us immediately to Download the Project and Abstract.
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  • CRM for Airlines Industry
  • Assurance allocation technique using mobile agent
  • Registry Editor
  • Finger print, Retina Scanner and Other Security Systems
  • Character recognition using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Voice Mail Systems
  • Courier Information System
  • Data Storage
  • Hotel Management System
  • Image Steganography
  • Credit card approval system
  • Data Warehousing
  • Web Based Attendance Management System
  • Effort & billing tracking system for IT Projects
  • Recruit Active System
  • Online Banking Systems
  • CRM solutions
  • Student Information Systems
  • Automation using internet – Controlling Equipments
  • NFC in Mobiles For Shopping
  • Still image compression using JPEG/JPEG
  • BioMetrics
  • Remote desktop system
  • Cell Phone Jammers
  • Biometrics in secure e-transactions
  • IDS Internet Distributed System
  • Creation of a DMZ
  • Image Enhancement
  • Job Recruitment Scheme (ASP NET + Access)
  • Bank Account Access System (Java + VB Net + Access)
  • JPEG Encoder
  • Ice cream parlor management system
  • Motion Detection for security system
  • Personal Stock Index Monitoring Trading & Forecasting
  • Core Banking (Java, Oracle)
  • Dynamic Information System
  • Sending mail using VB
  • Speaker recognition using MEL frequency
  • Green Energy and Green Computing
  • E-VPN (e-Virtual Private Network)
  • Sending email with internet
  • Sending SMS with internet
  • Multi player strategy game: Project ideas on Visual basic,Java,Database
  • University Admission System
  • Voice Recognition and Translation
  • Brain Control
  • Process & flow tracking for biomass distribution project
  • Agile Manufacturing using Genetic Algorithm
  • Standardization of Inspection Quality Plans and Resource Nomenclature
  • ERP implementation
  • Avionics
  • Nano technology
  • Duplicate Bill on Internet & Bar Code Generation
  • Intelligent Search Engine
  • 3D Gaming
  • Stepper motor controlling using
  • Neural Networks
  • Grid Networking
  • Online Shopping
  • Online Discussion Forum
  • GSM
  • Sports Information
  • CBIR System
  • Pizza hut – account management system
  • File transfer & LAN-chat (wired & wireless)
  • Animation Engineering
  • Salary Information System
  • CD Return System
  • Digital image processing and pattern recognition
  • Herwitz Determinant Simulator
  • Root Locus Simulator
  • Video transmission over network ABSTRACT
  • Message conversion tool
  • Mobile Apps – iPhone, Android and
  • Development of HTTP Caching Proxy Server
  • On-line image processing
  • Bluetooth
  • Interactive Classroom For College
  • Bode Plot Simulator
  • Interfacing alphanumeric LCD x using VB
  • Blood Bank Management System
  • Voice operated PC Applications
  • Finger Print Scanning of criminals
  • Facial Recognition
  • Process Optimization using ANN
  • NAT
  • Smart Stock Application
  • Unified modelling language editor as a tool e-Learning Portal
  • Home automation using mobile (SMS)
  • E-Library Management System
  • Airborne internet
  • Alumni club for your college: real hosting and usage Networking
  • Data mining
  • Electronic shopping
  • Finger Print Scanning :: Banking Application
  • Creation of a sniffer and a port scanner
  • Pattern Detection using Web Log Data
  • Railway Reservation System
  • ANN based load shedding
  • H/W troubleshooter and its solution
  • Java-RMI-chat
  • Video Compression & Decompression
  • Online passport registeration
  • Admission procedure
  • Honeypots
  • Java parallel processing framework
  • Road Way Mapping System
  • Electronic banking
  • Mobile computing
  • Facial Image Compression
  • Tourism information
  • Criminal Identification System
  • Finger Print Scanning :: ATM finger print
  • RH Criteria Simulator
  • Computer Telephony Integration
  • Image Codec (Matlab)
  • Number Plate Recognition
  • Mini Blog
  • CRM-customer relationship management
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • VLSI and ULSI
  • Cross Compiler (C/C++) ABSTRACT
  • MIS (VB Net)
  • Telephonic Resulting System
  • Motion detector using MATLAB
  • Examination result according to the classes
  • Online mailing Application
  • E-insurance
  • Generic Reporting Tool
  • Using your mobile miss call as password
  • Student Smart Card Application
  • Library Management System
  • RFID
  • CD library management
  • Health Information System (ASP Net/ Sql Server )
  • Optical Computer
  • Cryptography
  • RIVA- Real Time Image Viewing and Acquisition
  • Data Search Optimization (VB NET/ASP Net Sql Server /Oracle g)
  • SMS Gateway
  • Web Based Sudoku
  • XML Editor using VB Net
  • Portfolio Management (VB)
  • Fruit Management System (VB MS ACCESS)
  • Client Monitoring System
  • Sending & receiving SMS-through-vb
  • News Portal System (ASP NET + SQL server)
  • Digital parking system (VB NET + Access)


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