are you interested in any of the Project.Then mail us immediately to Download the Project and Abstract.
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- Physiological modelling
- Bio-Robots/Medical Robotics
- Bio-signal Telemetry
- Brain-Computer interface and EEG
- Bio-signal processing/medical signal analysis
- Web based Portable telemedical monitoring System
- Web based medical information system
- Bio-Medical Health Card
- Multilevel Design Validation in a Secure Embedded
- Respiratory Temperature Monitor In ICU
- Intelligent Monitoring System in Psychological Health
- Alertness Monitoring system during sedation
- Ultra sound walking stick
- Personal identification on multiple biometric features
- Patient Monitoring System
- Short range medical telemetry system
- Incubator
- Automatic Medicine Announcement System
- Automatic defibrillator
- Biomedical Monitoring system
- Bio Feed Back System
- Human Gait Analyzer and Recognition
- Portable Computer Aided Drug Dispenser
- Tongue Pressure Sensing System
- Calory Meter
- Sonography
- Nebulizer
- Hospital Connection System
- ECG Wave Form Transmission Through Telephone Line
- Hospital Maintenance System Though Power line
- Patient Treatment Recorder
- Smart Medicare
- 4-Channel Temperature Scanning for Cardiac Surgery
- Temperature, Respiration and Pulse Rate Monitor and Alarm
- Temperature and Pulse Rate Monitor through OFC
- Temperature and Respiration Monitor through OFC
- Pulse Rate Monitor & Alarm
- Drips Rate Monitor & Alarm
- Radiation Dosage Rate Meter
- Salt Tester for Liquid Foods
- Galvanic Skin Response System
- Pedo Meter
- Muscular Bio Simulator
- Magneto Meter
- Electronic Stethoscope
- Insulin Monitor
- Tread Mill
- Hospital Networking
- Centralized Monitoring System for Hospital
- Home health care device
- Power-line transmission based hospital management system with iris authentication
- Portable tele-medical monitoring using wireless sensors on the edge of the internet
- Microcontroller-based human brain hypothermia system
- Design and implementation of a programmable apnea monitoring system
- Patient care and health analysis system
- Automatic patient’s heart beat and body temperature monitoring for remote doctor
- Automatic anesthesia controlling system
- Patient’s BP level monitoring system
- Ultrasonic blind helper.
- NON-contact thermometer.
- Syringe, infusion pump.
- Short range medical telemetry system.
- Robotic image guide biopsy.
- Respiration monitor.
- Pressure monitor.
- Personal identification and verification based on multiple biometric features.
- Patient monitoring system.
- Pacemaker.
- Multi channel temperature monitor.
- Heart beat monitor using MC with LCD.
- Fiber optic transmission of biomedical parameters.
- Ultrasound fetal heart beat monitor.
- EMG monitor & analyzer.
- EEG monitor & analyzer.
- ECG Monitor.
- Device to measure the stiffness of intact mouse heart.
- Computerized cardiac patient monitoring system.
- Blood-flow measurement system.
- Blood gas analyzer.
- Biometric security system.
- Biometric access control system.
- Bio electrical interface.
- Multi-Para monitor.
- Automatic defibrillator.
- Spiro measurement system.
- Centralized monitoring system.
- PC based scanning system.
- Wireless data recording system.
- Computerized SPO2 management system using FFT.
- Patient Record Analyzer.
- Bio-Image Processing.
- Temperature Analyzers with computerized graphical image.
- Computerized Wight Analyzer.
- Blood-Pressure Monitor with high and low pressure Alert System.
- Heart Beat monitor with record using PC.
- Human body motion sense.
- Computerized Brain wave machine.
- Computerized cardiac image analyzer.
- PC based ECG analyzer.
- Oxygen Management system.
- PC based Pluseoximeter.
- Drips Monitoring system using PC.
- Patient monitoring system using PC.
- Remote monitoring system in Bluetooth communication.
- Bio-Telemetry system.
- Bio-Tele monitoring system using Internet.