Biotechnology Engineering Mini Projects

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  • Plant growth harmones 
  • Biosensors 
  • Gene therapy 
  • Computational immunology 
  • Bionano technology 
  • Qsar 
  • Bio artificail liver 
  • Pharmacogenomics 
  • Growth factors 
  • Gems 
  • Protein design 
  • Gene sequencing 
  • IV/IV II Sem 
  • Antisense rna technology 
  • Rna interference 
  • Molecular wires 
  • Nuclear reactors 
  • Biosorption of heavy metals 
  • Drugs from sea 
  • Bioleaching 
  • Enhancement of biogas production 
  • from solid substrates using different techniques 
  • Biomolecular computers 
  • Data mining & dataware housing 
  • Nuclear reactors 
  • World healthiest super food- spirulina 
  • Challenges to the central dogma 
  • Chemokines 
  • Antisense rna technology 
  • Biosorption of heavy metals 
  • Optimisation of lovastatin using 
  • aspergillus terreus 
  • Gel permeation chromatography 
  • Biopower generator 
  • Biofertilizers 
  • Continuous flow reactor 
  • Antioxidants 
  • Stem cell therapy 
  • Biosensors 
  • Diseases of thyroid gland 
  • Mobile phone radiations 
  • Metabolomics 
  • Transducers 
  • Gm crops 
  • Biosensors 
  • Bioaerosols 
  • Scaffolds 
  • Sars 
  • Biometrics 
  • Biocatalyst biasensors 
  • Genetic disorders 
  • Role of modulators in activity of urease 
  • Banding of chromosomes 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Food science & technology (fsta) 
  • Intellactual property rights 
  • Agricultural & environmental 
  • biotechnology 
  • Fluidized bed reactors 
  • Biosensors 
  • Therapies for autoimmune diseases 
  • Agri waste water treatment 
  • Bio analytical techniques - hplc 
  • Activated sludge process 
  • Hepatitis b 
  • Genome stitched together by hand 
  • Data mining 
  • Biosensors- applications 
  • Factors affecting growth of 
  • micro organisms 
  • Biosensors 
  • Chemiluminiscence biosensors 
  • Largescale chemical dissection of 
  • mitochondrial function 
  • High throughput screening 
  • Estimation of hydrodynamic parameters 
  • Factors affecting growth of 
  • micro organisms 
  • Biomolecular computers 
  • Artificial cartilage 
  • Chaperons 
  • Inheritance (Genetic) 
  • Shoot regeneration 
  • Trangenesis 
  • rDNA 
  • Fat soluble vitamins 
  • Enzyme metabolism 
  • Degradation of poly U.S.F.A 
  • Primary tissue explanation technique 
  • Alcohol fermentation 
  • III/IV II Sem 
  • Cloning 
  • Nanomedicines 
  • Bone marrow transplantation 
  • Biofuels 
  • Bio nano technology 
  • Artificial inteligence 
  • Proteomics 
  • Recombinant vaccines 
  • Motif design 
  • Biometrics 
  • Evolution of the artificial eye 
  • Brain computer interface 
  • Cancer vaccines 
  • Biosensors 
  • Biohydro metallurgy 
  • Cancer traetment using nanotechnology 
  • Nanotechnology 
  • Biogas recovery from coconut husk retting 
  • Mushrooms role as bioremediation agent 
  • Biosensors 
  • Artificial rbc using nanotechnology 
  • Homology modeling 
  • Production of biodiesel using rubber 
  • Biometrics 
  • Nano respirocytes 
  • Production of biodiesel from waste 
  • frying oils 
  • Gpcrs 
  • Isolation of dna from elephant ovary 
  • Biodiesel from waste food 
  • The bionic eye 
  • Bioterrorism 
  • Molecular markers in cereal breeding 
  • Continuous flow reactor 
  • Genetic algorithms 
  • Bioweapons 
  • Neural networks 
  • Biodiesel 
  • Biochips 
  • Dna computers 
  • Nanomedicines 
  • Biometrics 
  • Human genome project 
  • Gene silencing 
  • Genome mapping 
  • Dna fingure printing 
  • Biopesticides 
  • Neurobiology 
  • Iprs 
  • Tissue homeostasis 
  • Gene therapy 
  • Regenerative medicine 
  • Venom protiens drug design: scorpion 
  • Challenges to central dogma 
  • Harlequin icthyosis 
  • Sage 
  • Nerve guidance conduit for nerve 
  • regeneration 
  • Nanoparticles go green 
  • High throughput screening 
  • Gene profile 
  • Kappa particles 
  • Gene silencing 
  • Quaram sensing 
  • Diabetics 
  • Gene therapy 
  • Anti matter 
  • Nano Technology 
  • ECG 
  • Neuro Biology 
  • Anti oxidents 
  • Asparin 
  • lazers 
  • Organ transplantation 
  • Pinch technology 
  • DNA repair 
  • Bio medical instrumentation 
  • Blotting technoques 
  • Global warming 
  • Lung cancer 
  • Human cloning 
  • DNA repair 
  • Fermentation of wine 
  • Research performed by suneetha William 
  • Hepatitis - B 
  • Nuclear power 
  • Einstein theory and relativity 
  • Liver cancer 
  • Cloning of animals 
  • DNA finger printing 
  • Gene transfer techniques 
  • Bio fermentation 
  • artificial heart transplantation 
  • Basics of C++ 
  • Ethical hacking 
  • Onco genes 
  • Lyseagic acid Diethyl Amide (LSD) 
  • Satilites 
  • Green house effect 
  • Proto plast fusion 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Alzhemir's disease 
  • air pollution 
  • Dark matter of universe 
  • Gene transfer in plants 
  • Biosensor 
  • Role of brain in dreams 
  • Biometrics 
  • Ozone layer 
  • Biometrics 
  • Wire less Networks 
  • Mal nutrition 
  • Hepatitis virus 
  • Stem cells 
  • Depression 
  • Nano Technology in medicine 
  • Astro Biology 
  • Twins 
  • Down stream procesing 
  • Design, Process development and 
  • cultivation of shear sensitive cell 
  • for high value products 
  • Immobilization of enzymes 
  • Gene silencing 
  • Waste water treatment 
  • Cell signalling 
  • Blotting Techniques 
  • Drugs from the sea. 
  • II/IV II Sem 
  • Contribution of Louis Pasteur in Fermentation 
  • technology 
  • Bioweapons- Anthrax 
  • Hallucination 
  • Tissue transplantation 
  • Plant Bodies 
  • Narcolepsy 
  • Extraction of DNA from onions 
  • Major histocompatability complex 
  • Artificial Neural network 
  • Aminocentesis 
  • Artificial chromosomes 
  • Alcohol fermentation 
  • Neuron psycho pharmacology 
  • Swarm intelligence 
  • Auto immune system 
  • Recombinent DNA technology 
  • Super natural phenomenon 
  • Rickets 
  • Vaccines 
  • RNA silencing 
  • Psychic disease 
  • Tissue culture (somatic hybridization) 
  • Einstein theory of relativity 
  • Biodiesel 
  • Spa station food packing 
  • Bioplastids 
  • Root regeneration 
  • Brain fingered printing 
  • Complement systems 
  • Invisible cloaks 
  • C vs C++ 
  • Edible vaccines 
  • sugar preperation 
  • Primary tissue explanation technique 
  • Immunoglobulins 
  • Dailysis 
  • DNA replication 
  • Evolution of human being 
  • Desegregation 
  • Artificial skin 
  • Muscular dystrophy 
  • Degradation of poly U.S.F.A 
  • Wine production 
  • Finger printing technique 
  • Artificial eye 
  • Blood transplantation 
  • Brain gate 
  • Non revocable sources 
  • Phorensic science 
  • Enzyne metabolism 
  • Animal bioreactors 
  • Mitosis 
  • Bio fuels 
  • Transposons 
  • Chloroplast Transformation for enhanced expression of Foreign genes 
  • rDNA Technology in viral research 
  • Biochips 
  • challenge of Biotechnology 
  • Biometrics 
  • Nanotechnology - for drugs delivery, design 
  • and discovery 
  • Tissue Culture 
  • Biosafety 
  • Carcinogens 
  • Biosensors 
  • Biopolymers 
  • IV/IV I Sem 
  • Drug Designing 
  • RT-PCR 
  • Removal of metals from water 
  • Seed extractives-Mosquito larvicides 
  • passive anti body therapy 
  • Organ culture 
  • DNA Based Biosensors 
  • Gene Transfer Techniques 
  • Nano Robots 
  • Dynamic aspects of Protein sturcture 
  • Transposons 
  • Compliment proteins 
  • Bio power generator 
  • Stem cell transplantion 
  • Retinitis pigmentosa 
  • Natural food colours 
  • Drug interactions 
  • Apoptosis 
  • vaccines 
  • Programming in C 
  • Biotransformation of Drugs 
  • Gene therapy 
  • Multi functional Nucleolus 
  • Xeno Biotic transfromation 
  • Protein folding 
  • Dynamic metabolic modeling 
  • Diabetis mellitus 
  • Signal Integration 
  • Protein Degradation 
  • Renewable Energy 
  • Secondary Metabilites 
  • Bio Bleaching 
  • Ulsers 
  • Bio sequence extractors 
  • Gene Transfer Techniques 
  • Transposons 
  • Tissue Grafting 
  • Pharmaco Genomics 
  • Compliment Defficiencies 
  • Soya Bean - Healthy food 
  • Xeno Biotic Degradation 
  • Protein folding 
  • Advent of the new pencillin 
  • HMGA2 - First tall gene found 
  • Recombinant Proteins 
  • Protein degradation 
  • Oral controlled drug delivery sysytems 
  • Protein phosphorylation 
  • Types of Leukemia 
  • Problems and bottle necks in plasmid 
  • based therapeutics 
  • Dendritic cell Vaccines 
  • Horizontal Gene Transfer 
  • Acid rain 
  • Bio polymers 
  • Mineral water 
  • The trends in BT & IT 
  • ELISA 
  • Mono clonal Antibodies 
  • r - DNA technology 
  • HIV 
  • Bio deisel 
  • Bio informatics 
  • III/IV I Sem 
  • Genetic Engineering for Maize Improvement in China 
  • Phytoremediation 
  • Brain Machine Interface 
  • Nano Biotechnology- Tissue Engineering 
  • RNA interference 
  • Cancer 
  • Mushroom Culture 
  • DNA Computers 
  • Vaccines 
  • Treatment of Cancer Using Nanotechnology 
  • Excitement of Biotechnology in the New Economy 
  • Brain Computer Interface 
  • Biometrics 
  • Bell's Palsy 
  • Nano Medicines 
  • RNA interference 
  • DNA microarrays 
  • Nanotechnology 
  • Health Care Biotech Industry 
  • Immune Disorders 
  • DNA Sequencing 
  • Biocomputers 
  • Biotechnology in the 21st century 
  • Stem Cells 
  • Cell - Scaffold Technology 
  • Astrobiology 
  • Parkinson Disease 
  • Probiotics 
  • Cancer Vaccines 
  • Transdermal Drug Delivery System 
  • Nanoscale Magnets 
  • Xenobiotics 
  • Plant biotechnology - Future perspectives 
  • Production of Lignocellulosic materials using Clostridum 
  • Thermocellum 
  • Bioweapons 
  • Field Programmable Microarray 
  • Lung Cancer 
  • Defending Against Biological attack :Importance 
  • of Biotechnology in Preparadness 
  • Nanoclottocytes : wonders in bloodclotting 
  • Bells Palsy 
  • Advances in Protien Engineering : An insight 
  • Nanomedicines 
  • antibacterial activity of garlic, onion & ginger against 
  • contamination of fermented milk 
  • Probiotics 
  • DNA Fingure printing 
  • Transplantation 
  • applied genomic research in rice genetic improvement 
  • DNA Fingure printing 
  • Bioplastics 
  • Biotechnology in India - Current Scene 
  • Biotechnology in Defence 
  • Commercial Cultivation of BT cotton- Development 
  • of Resistance Management 
  • Homology based Cloning of R- Gene Candidates from Rice 
  • Crop Genetic Engineering for Disease Resistance 
  • Human Genome: A Gift of 20th Century and Challenge 
  • for 21st Century 
  • Crop Genetic Engineering for Disease Resistance 
  • Microbial Fuel Cells 
  • Biometrics : Creating a safer Workplace 
  • Protein Profiling 
  • Biofertilisers 
  • How Nanotechnology will work 
  • HPLC for Drug Analysis 
  • Plant harmones


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