Civil Engineering Engineering Mini Projects

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    • Use of fly ash in road constructions
    • Workability of cement based composites
    • Traffic analysis and pavement evaluation along nh-
    • Gis enabled study of artificial recharge structures
    • Rainwater management and conjunctive use
    • Fly ash concrete
    • Groundwater quality at bommasandra industrial area
    • Roof rainwater harvesting – a case study
    • Defluoridation of water using tamarind gel
    • Study of properties of frc on concrete pavement
    • Evaluation of highway materials and design performance
    • Eco-friendly campus
    • Study of encased composite beams
    • Artificial recharge of ground water
    • Experimental study on utilization of silica fume in concrete
    • Solid waste management of davangere city muncipality
    • Water quality monitoring of madiwala lake
    • Design and construction of folded ferrocement boat
    • Study of strength parameters of silica fume concrete
    • Low cost technology for fluoride removal
    • Domestic water treatment plant
    • Structural analysis using finite element method
    • Behaviour of filler slab in low cost housing
    • Strength properties of bhalki soil
    • Flyash laterite bricks
    • Utilization of man made waste in man-made structures
    • Treatment of sugar waste using anaerobic filter
    • Flyash mosaic flooring tiles
    • Stabilized blocks of haalu mannu
    • Flyash concrete door shutters
    • Quality study of sewage in davangere district
    • Ground water quality analysis in bidar town
    • Stabilized haalu mannu blocks
    • Mangalore tile waste as coarse aggregate in concrete
    • Stabilized manganese-ore tailings blocks
    • Crushed stone dust cement blocks
    • Low cost bricks making
    • Liqueconss floors and roofs
    • Low cost liners for canal
    • Low cost roffing tiles
    • Stabalised copper tailin g blocks
    • Air pollution studeis
    • Geographic information system
    • A scientific study of road humps
    • Lime -flyash – soil blocks
    • Conservation by waste water reclamation
    • Ferro cement composite with no-fines concrete
    • Performance studies of oxidation ponds
    • Hydrological aspects of drought in gulbarga district
    • Studies on infiltration tube well system
    • Pollution studies in silk industries
    • Flyash -cement stabilized soil blocks
    • Rammed earth wall
    • Characteristics of silk reeling waste water
    • Flexture and shear properties of ferrocement
    • Composite t beam roofing with ferrocemnt
    • Study on stablized quarry dust blocks
    • A study on construction waste
    • Innovative flushing cisterns
    • Liners for canals
    • Study of stabalised mud blocks
    • Low cost paper lamination machine
    • Soil-cement blocks
    • Composite brick-panel roof
    • Studis on shallow tube wells
    • New mud block technology
    • Frc roofing application
    • Qyality analysis of ground water
    • Study of recycling industrial effluent
    • The use of geotextiles
    • Ferrocemeent roofing units
    • Drip irrigation
    • Burnt bricks from black cotton soil
    • Analysis of textile mill waste water
    • Plasting material
    • Water proof course
    • Mld sewage in open v-valley
    • Sisal fibre reinforced roofing tile
    • Plysoil reinforced with geotextiles
    • Composite stone crete roof
    • Composite rcc and brick slab
    • Study on stabilized soil blocks
    • Low frequency vibration analyzer
    • Study of distressed buildings on black cotton soils
    • Low cost roofing – a new approach
    • On the study of un-burnt brick walls and mudwalls
    • Engineering properties of locally available stone slabs
    • Sisal fibre reinforced roofing tiles
    • Natural fibre reinforced cement concrete
    • Investigation on improved mud walls
    • Composite stone crete roof
    • Studies on under ground water quality in bangalore
    • Design of flour mill effluent treatment plant
    • Cementation binders from industrial and agro by products
    • A study on the effect of paper pulp cement mortar
    • Pozzolana cement
    • Study of ambient air quality status in shimoga city
    • Study on certain pollution parameters of bhadra river
    • Pre-fabricated shell roof
    • Ferrocement water tank
    • Ferrocement roofing slab element
    • Lime stabailised siol bricks
    • Studies on brick masonary strength
    • Easy reference city bus route chart
    • Studies on brick masonary strength
    • Fabrication and study of ferrocement silo
    • Fabrication and study of ferrocement watertank
    • Soil stabilized pressed blocks using red soil
    • Water distribution network
    • Precast stone blocks using lime concretes
    • Study of modified dry bricks
    • Lime based products
    • Pavement surface unevennes evalution
    • Correct selection of pumpsets for irrigation
    • Air pollution
    • Water quality study of bheema river
    • Soil stabilization
    • Ground water inventory
    • Air pollution
    • Pollution study of river tunghabhadra
    • Study of strength of lime pozzolona cement
    • Faculty of electrical engineering
    • Sawdust boards with uf resins
    •  a case study of water pollution in kabini river
    •  reinforced brick panel
    • Reinforced brick pannel
    • Lime based products
    •  studies on soil cement block mansonry
    • Operational research in building
    • H d p net reinforced cement roofing tiles
    • Fibre inforced rooting units
    • Bio gas from coral organic waste
    • Ground water inventory
    • Water quality study of bennitora river
    • Water quality study of bhosga tank
    •  a case study of water pollution in kabini river
    • Studies on ferrocement
    • Rammed earth walls
    • Reinforced brick panel
    • Block wise studies of rural houses
    • Development and use of unit hydrograph
    • Ferro cement for low cost roofing
    • Rammed earth walls
    • Lime stabilized bricks
    • Ground water inventory
    • Rural water supply
    • Low cast grain storage structures
    • Precast stone block masonary
    • Studies on low cost stabilized earth bricks
    • Low cost roofing tiles
    • Development plan for a growth centre
    • Restoration of tank
    • Low cost demonstration house
    • Software study of Janatha houses
    • Soil stabilization
    • Road re alignment
    • Investigation on fibre reinforced roofing units
    • Ground water inventory in Kotnur village
    • Evaporation losses in Malaprabha project
    • Erosion resistance studies on stabilized mud blocks
    • Performance study of irrigation centrifugal pumps
    • Low cost grain storage structure
    • Tests on Pozzolana mixtures
    • Water supply for Iggor village
    • Bio- gas plant with Ferro Cement gas holder
    • Strength characteristics of Surki Mortar
    • Low cost stabilized earth bricks
    • Automatic flow regulation for canal- tank sluice
    • Studies on black cotton soil mixed copper mines waste
    • Development plan for a growth centre
    • Low cost roofing tiles
    • Low cost school building
    • Housing for the poor
    • Ground water inventory in Nandikoor village
    • Irrigation potential and harnessing the same
    • Communication net work
    • Study on strength of compacted mud walls
    • Low cost light weight roofing tiles
    • Rural sanitation of Kommerahalli village
    • Wall panels for low cost houses
    • Fatigue of human labor in earth work
    • Coir reinforced roofing sheets
    • Labor optimization in earth work
    • Study of un-burnt bricks
    • Ferro cement roofing materials
    • Study of traditional housing practices
    • Low cost roofing tiles
    • Village sanitation system
    • Restoration of an irrigation tank
    • Investigation on low cost roofing units
    • Strength of country brick – walls laid in mud mortar
    • Lime stabilized soil blocks
    • Rain water collection and storage
    • Low cost roof tiles
    • Ferro cement grain silos
    • Minor irrigation tanks
    • Desalting of tanks


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