Visa Process


A visa is absolutely necessary under the immigration laws for Germany. Students can't enter the country with a tourist Visa for the purpose of studying. Those wishing to enter the country to study may apply for a visa for purposes of study, or for a study applicant visa.

The visa must be issued before you can enter the country; you should therefore apply for it much ahead. The responsible body is the German Embassy or Consulate General in your country, which can also provide you with further information.

The visa for purposes of study will be issued if you have already been accepted to study in Germany. The study applicant visa (Studienbewerber-Visum) permits you to enter the country before the admission decision by the university or college, in order to obtain information on the spot. The university applicant visa is particularly important for applicants to the Hochschule for Musik and Theater (College of Music and Drama), so that you can enter the country for the entrance examination. And this type of visa may also be useful to applicants who wish to improve their language skills in Germany before starting their studies. The study applicant visa is limited to three months, but it can be converted to a visa for study purposes if you receive your admission from the university or college during this period.

For both types of visas it is necessary to hold a valid passport, to provide proof of financial means for your period of study in Germany, and to have either university admission (visa for purposes of study) or at least a confirmation of your status as an applicant (study applicant visa).

Those who intend to study and enter the country on a study applicant visa should also note that they must provide evidence of a university or college place in Germany within the prescribed period of three months, in order to obtain a residence permit for study purposes.


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