Factors Students should consider while going for international accommodation

There are many important things to make note of while a student is going abroad for higher education. Factors such as the college which is chosen, the weather conditions, the lifestyle and culture of the local surroundings, the fee structure, the course content, employment opportunities, student strength from native country etc play a key role. However, one of the most important aspects beyond all this is accommodation. A lot of groundwork is required in order to decide on this one.
So, here are few important pointers given by experts to students on this. It is advisable to take some guidance from the university sources and speak to the students who are already in the university. There are also specific organizations which can provide you with good accommodation. Checking out student notice boards and local newspapers is another option which gives you information on accommodation availability. Timing is also important so it is better you start planning for accommodation as early as you can to get the best place of stay.
It also depends on where you are studying so sometimes accommodation would be readily available and sometimes you have to plan it months in advance. In countries like UK, it is better to go for campus accommodation or halls of residence. It is within the campus, safe and secure and offers all sorts of facilities. You also get to interact with students of other countries more frequently. Of course, the residence halls are a bit cagey since few things like bathroom, social area have to be shared.
Another option is to go for a home-stay with a native family. To those who prefer something private without any university buzz, this is a better option. Usually the price also includes your meal and you have more opportunity to learn the local language along with understanding the local culture. But make sure you check the quality of furnishings, enough desk space for your computer, kitchen with cooking utensils, laundry facilities along with bedsheet and linen availability. Telephone and internet is also another facility you have to check. Make a note of all this folks!!

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